Ben and I decided to go all the way up to Schotland this weekend, to visit one of his studying friends there. So we took our bold shoes, rented a car and off we went! We left on saturday morning for a horrendous 7 hour drive in the rain but finally we did arrive and it turned out to be a great weekend! On saturday afternoon we visited Glasgow city centre, and in the evening we went to a student bar in the University and afterwards had a few drinks more in the student-house Bens friend lived in. On the right here you see the university of Glasgow. Why don't we have buildings like that :(

The next day we wanted to see some cool sceneries, so we went to Loch Lomond. There's no monster in this one so I felt pretty safe (monster of loch ness?). We came at great timing, since the sun was setting (at 4 o clock) and we were treated to some wonderfull sights. On the right here you see the south side of the Loch, with trees a hill and some sky stuff ^^ (Darn, I could work for the national geographic channel!)
The rest of the pictures here are some of the scenery around the loch.

Afterwards we went to the local McDonalds, grabbed a bite, and went all the way back to Kings Lynn again, encountering snow and fog on the way back! But we arrived safely without any scratches.
Next week is my last full week here, and it's going to be a busy one. With a christmas party & drink on Thursday, and another party on saturday, this should keep me busy.
Then afterwards on the 23d i'll be back in Holland to catch up with you guys again.